Vulpes Vulgaris

How the fox came to be:

In the beginning there were several Norwegian soldiers who began to organize endurance competitions among themselves aimed at rapid transition of an unknown territory using only a map and compass. This new sports discipline was called Orienteering, and in 1897, the first official race took place in Oslo with eight participants. Orienteering soon spread throughout Scandinavia and later to the rest of Europe.


Radio orienteering has also its roots in Scandinavia. It is a discipline similar to classical orienteering, except that the competitor does not have checkpoints plotted on the map, but rather he searches for hidden radio transmitters with hepl of a radio receiver.


The rules of the Foxhunt are based on the principles of Radio orienteering. It is a tactical outdoor game somewhere between a sport and adventure tourism, which same like Orienteering, is based on the ability to quickly orient oneself in an unfamiliar enviroment and the art of overcoming various obstacles and pitfalls. It is most closely of "Foxoring", which use a low power transmitter audible only within a few dozen meters and contestants must use map to find the signal coverage area and then use a radio receiver to track the exact location of the target transmitter.


The first modern Foxhunt was organized in 2010 by a group of enthusiasts in Tampere, Finland. Since then every year takes place several rounds in various locations in Europe.


Foxhunting is a challenge for all those who lack the courage, not afraid of the unknown, they want to take a few days break away from their everyday routine and experience the unusual adventure.


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